Monday, September 04, 2006

Morning after Malibu shortage began in Madrid!

'Morning dude...Morning fella, ...Your head banging...YES mate!' Malibu's are easy going in... but on way out... WATCH OUT! Lol! Little sleep and was nearly time to meet girls, as you can imagen that wasn't going to happen for the time we said! lol! After a few texts we had managed to get an extra 30 minutes, just enough time for us to drag our sorry selfs out of bed and showered. Well i knew it wasn't the best morning i had had, as i slipped and caused a bullet wound shape to the only part of my body uninjured, my left leg! lol I was living up to the nickname Ryan had given me 'Disaster Dave! Rather suited me i think! Summed my actions up well anyway! Back on metro, not much chat, just trying to remember to breath! lol! Met the girls at SpringField, a cloths shop, walked round and then entered one of the many Corte en ingles's in Madrid, it looks like every block has one! lol! We bought some things then walked Sara to the metro stop, as she was having lunch with her family. Ryan, Ana and me then caught our trusty friend the number 53 bus to Anas, for lunch! As you can imagen still wasn't feeling great, but thanks to Anas mum her suggestion of having a swim was perfect and did the job! However, ice cold doesn't say how cold the pool was, all i can say funciona!!! Let you guys make your own mind up on that one! lol! Refreshed and more awake, we had another five star lunch, fillete con aroz! We again enjoyed a good time and laughed with Anas family! Another episode of perdidos was watched, just what we wanted to watch the day before going on a plane! (only joking Ana), For us this was already a fantastic day, couldn't have asked for more, but guys as i have said before, the best was yet to come...!!! We returned to the hostal on the number 53 again, was packed folks, we stood up and at one point an old women pushed me down the bus! Strong spanish women, i'll tell ya! And what i can only describe as a wierd sensation i experienced on the bus! Ryan mate think you are the only one who will truelly know what happend, i would say but minors maybe reading this lol! Ten minutes before meeting girls, mad dash, wash and change, then out again, met the girls, and folks they looked good that evening! We then walked round the puerto del sol and Plaza Mayor, the girls were looking for a restaurant Ana's brother Juan had recommended! Unfortunately it was closed, but the second on the list was open, and luckily for us, i think it was a good choice, sampled some fantastic food and wine, the girls were laughing and i was very happy to see them enjoying themselves, It was mainly due to Ryan, good job man! We had decided to have desert at VIP's, we had great laughs, helados y cervezas for us, hey man! Time came to say nite to Sara, wasn't nice having to put an end to the evening, after saying good nite to Sara, Ryan, Ana and Me went for a walk round Plaza Espana, before getting a taxi for Ana. It was weird saying good bye that nite for me, as i relised that this wasn't going to happen again for a while, the four of us together, well the five of us...not forgetting Matt! On the way home, we did what Brits did, crossed the road looking the wrong way, thinking we were in England, so thanks to Ryan, i misted a close call with maybe a sixth, seventh and maybe eigth injury of the trip! Thankx man! Back to Puerto del Sol and we decided one last drink, so a mexican bar we went... Nice birds and great music!!! Shame we were knackered from the nite before! lol Back we went to the Hostal Victoria, MP3 on, few pictures taken from the balcony and a close chat, then bed! I've got to say, but can't say for the others, i really enjoyed that evening, was with the people i really respect and in a place i hope to live one day! A nite that will be remembered for a very long time to come in the future!


Anonymous said...

I forgot about you nearly getting splattered! What a great night, the girls made it. Arnt we lucky Dave?


Dave aka the Bolosh said...

Yes mate, dam lucky!!!