Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Leaving Day!!!
Well folks it what you've all been waiting for, the final installment to Madrid trip by the Bolosh and Kavanaghster!!!...Last morning sharing a room with the 'Girie blanco', and we hadn't started packing untill now, Not a problem really, only involved throughing our things back into the cases, well i say not a problem, for Ryan maybe...me on the other hand, wasn't so quite straight forward, as for some reason i cudn't close my case, to full, i don't think it could have been because of the Callos, Fuet, asparagus and gifts i bought!!! lol! After sitting and jumping on the case, and still with no success, The kavanaghster calmly walked over, and shut it!!! Clever guy!! Don't tell him that though! lol! Then we were off, last minute shopping, and to be honest, i had no more room for any more gifts!!! lol! But maybe enough for just one, my Real Madrid shirt, with the 'Bolosh 20' on the back!!! Looks bloody fantastic if i do say so myself! lol! Then back to the Hostal we went, took some last minute pictures of the room and views, then off to the office to pay, a very nice women, I spoke in spanish and Ryan in german, so we managed to get by! lol! Then we left and said our good byes to the Puerto del Sol, well we said, 'Hasta Leugo'! Caught our trusty friend the number 53 bus to Anas. We were to have lunch at Anas before she would take us to the airport, (Thankx Ana)! We had another mouth watering lunch made by her mum, unfortunately Sara couldn't join us, but we completely understood why!!! And hey Sara we'll be seeing you again in two weeks!!! Had a nice conversation with her on the phone instead and thanked her for her helpfullness and for being a top class bird on our visit! After lunch Anas mum had given us some chorizo and other spanish treats for our families! As our trip wouldn't have been half as good, without the help and advise we recieved by Anas family, Ryan and i decided to buy a small token of our gradtitude, a bottle of faustino 1 and some chocolates. Not much, but we wanted to show we had really apreciated their help. Then after some goodbyes, we left for the airport. Before checking in Ana had told us of a service the airport provided for cases that looked ready to explode! lol A huge wrapping machine!! That did the job, it certainly held the case together! lol! Checked in and then came time to say final goodbye to Ana. Difficult as when saying goodbye in Preston we knew in the back of our minds, we knew we would see her in the summer! But now, i can only say i hope to see you very soon! We will all miss your company!!! And you are always welcome in Preston!!! Well to finish the entry... our flight was on time and we boarded, that was the end, time began now to relect on all our memories of the trip and the laughs we had with the girls! And as tradition went, Two JD's and one coke were ordered! And one final purchase, my little gadget, an alchol tester (which will get much use in Preston hey guys! lo), and as expected, me and ryan Failed with great success! lol! With great coincidence, i met my spanish tutor from college on the plane, Deb. Was really nice to tell her what i was upto at uni and so on! We collected our baggage and went to our parents, we said our goodbyes and thanked each other for the trip, Ryan dude this bits for you, you were great company and a great laugh, never a dull moment, was a pleasure dude! Thankx! Was over, the five days had flown by, home we went, life back to normal, but with one little difference, the memories of Madrid swimming through our minds!
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Great diary of the trip fella, nice words, and you wernt bad company either.
Thanks Mate
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